Rocky River Scoreboard
Rocky River Scoreboard's goal is to identify and promote key strengths of Rocky River as a community to live, work, raise a family and enjoy recreational pursuits.
Community Improvement: Rocky River Scoreboard Supports
Rocky River Scoreboard supports local individuals and organizations committed to:
close budget oversight of governmental activities,
continuing excellent public services at reasonable cost,
maintaining public safety and supporting safety forces,
improving housing values,
encouraging small businesses and commercial development, and
maintaining academic excellence and traditional values in public schools.
Rocky River Republican City Leadership
Rocky River Scoreboard supports government leaders committed to:
close budget oversight of governmental activities,
continuing excellent public services and schools at reasonable cost,
maintaining public safety and supporting safety forces,
improving housing values,
encouraging small businesses and commercial development,
and maintaining academic excellence in public schools.
Pamela Bobst
Ward 1 Council
Tom Hunt
Council President
Dave Furry
Brian Sindelar
Rocky River Republican Club
The purpose of the Rocky River Republican Club is to improve the City of Rocky River by advancing the ideals of the Republican party and promoting endorsed candidates in local and other elections.
Rocky River supports the Rocky River Scoreboard to provide additional information about the local government, schools, community assets and activities.